If the shoe fits

Is First Draft in a Week Right For You?

You're a business owner

Whether you're a founder, consultant, coach, or an industry expert, you know you have a book in you. You're just not sure which publishing path to take, who all you need to hire, or how to do this right. You're also unsure of which goals are realistic for you, and which goals are not worth pursuing (or are simply just fantasies).

You’re successful in business, health, or relationships

You’ve achieved some outcome that people continually ask you for advice about. And you often get paid well to help others get that outcome. People might have even asked you: Do you have a book? or When are you going to write a book?

You’re ready to permanently level up

You have a proven process, inarguable expertise, and demand that’s resulting in paying clients. You’re ready to throw gas on the fire you’ve started, all while elevating your brand, business, and career.

You want to leave a legacy

You've accomplished a lot, and now you want to immortalize your wisdom. You know the way to do that is to put your lessons learned into a book, so you can share your contributions with humanity for decades to come.

You want an efficient book writing process, without compromising on quality

You are busy running your business and living your life. You don’t have time to waste going through unnecessary steps and headaches. You want a clear cut path to getting your book done. You also understand that it will cost a decent chunk of change, effort, and time in order to make it great. You’re both willing and able to invest ample resources into the project.

You need help stepping into the spotlight

It’s not easy to put yourself out there. I’ve met very few authors who weren’t doubting themselves somewhere along in the process. Even if your book is the most cut-and-dry manual for your niche, it’s still a creative act. And that requires vulnerability and courage. This program is designed to support and guide you through those challenging moments, so you can boldly step into the spotlight when your time comes.

You suspect you have more than one book in you

While this program is still great for authors who just want to write one book, my aim is to provide you with a process that you can use for the rest of your career. That means you’re equipped with the ability — at least in theory — to churn out a book every year, if that’s what you want. So if that’s you, the program is a solid investment in your future as an author.

Let's write
your book!

Learn how we can take you from idea to a book manuscript you love in only 7 days.