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Authors We've Worked With

Remit Sethi profile picture
Charlie is one of the most talented marketers and entrepreneurs I've ever worked with. A true gem. I highly recommend him.
Remit Sethi
New York Times Bestselling Author, Host of Top 10 Netflix show, How to Get Rich
Tim Ferriss Image
For 3 years, Charlie & I worked together, most notably on The 4-Hour Body. It was one hell of a ride. We had a lot of fun, and we had some huge successes.
Tim Ferriss
Five-time #1 NYT Bestselling Author, Host of The Tim Ferriss Show
Noah Kagan image
Charlie has been my secret weapon of writing. He's always reminded me to stay on my own path.
Noah Kagan
New York Times Bestselling Author of Million Dollar Weekend, Founder and CEO of AppSumo
Jayson Gaignard profile image
Absolute masterclass. I hired Charlie for some early feedback on the direction of my book/writing and it was priceless.
Jayson Gaignard
Founder of MMT

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CARTIER / 2021
Awwwards Site of the day
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CARTIER / 2021
Webflow Design of the Week
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CARTIER / 2021
Awwwards Site of the day
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CARTIER / 2021
Webflow Design of the Week
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