Let's write your book

Your Voice, Your Book

We combine industry expertise and modern technology to write your book 25x faster at 25% the cost.

A first draft you'll đź’› guaranteed.

man speaking on stage

Happy Authors

There's finally time to write your book.
Let's Begin

*This is a list of some of the authors we've either (A) personally worked with, (B) offered paid consultations to, or (C) talked in-depth with about the promotion of their books and brands, but they did not participate in this offering. Involvement in their work ranged from as little as I gave them a couple tips during a lunch meeting, all the way up to being in the trenches with them, from start to finish.  We attribute 100% of their success to these authors.

Authors We've Worked With

Remit Sethi profile picture
Charlie is one of the most talented marketers and entrepreneurs I've ever worked with. A true gem. I highly recommend him.
Remit Sethi
New York Times Bestselling Author, Host of Top 10 Netflix show, How to Get Rich
Tim Ferriss Image
For 3 years, Charlie & I worked together, most notably on The 4-Hour Body. It was one hell of a ride. We had a lot of fun, and we had some huge successes.
Tim Ferriss
Five-time #1 NYT Bestselling Author, Host of The Tim Ferriss Show
Noah Kagan image
Charlie has been my secret weapon of writing. He's always reminded me to stay on my own path.
Noah Kagan
New York Times Bestselling Author of Million Dollar Weekend, Founder and CEO of AppSumo
Jayson Gaignard profile image
Absolute masterclass. I hired Charlie for some early feedback on the direction of my book/writing and it was priceless.
Jayson Gaignard
Founder of MMT

Unparalleled Industry Experience

Grid of author faces

*This is a list of some of the authors I've either (A) personally worked with, (B) offered paid consultations to, or (C) talked in-depth with about the promotion of their books and brands, but they did not participate in this offering. My involvement in their work ranged from as little as I gave them a couple tips during a lunch meeting, all the way up to being in the trenches with them, from start to finish.  I attribute 100% of their success to these authors.

We know what it takes to make a great book.

Few book companies have the professional experience crafting great books. The ones that do are expensive, slow, and cumbersome.


After advising more than 500+ non-fiction authors from ideation to launch, we know what it takes to craft a truly compelling book to reach your audience and generate real ROI.


But instead of the process being confusing, draining, and wildly expensive, it's clear, exciting, and affordable. Plus, you'll own everything.

Learn More

How We Create A Great First Draft In 1 Week

A New Paradigm In Crafting A Book

Traditional Ghostwriting

It's no secret that the goal in book writing is completing a solid first draft. From there, it's a matter of fine tuning and excellent editing. But since traditional ghostwriting is slow, expensive, and often unstructured, most people never publish the book living inside them.
The traditional ghostwriting process takes a high-quality ghostwriter at least six months to write a first draft, costing between $40,000 and $150,000. It also requires 40-60 hours from the author, which consistently creates stress being pulled away from work and home life.

Additionally, authors often need to still figure out where to publish and how to market their book after their manuscript is written.

Modern Ghostwriting

We've revolutionized all of it. From the book positioning, to the writing, to the editing, pre-launch, and launch, we've modernized the book writing and publishing process to save you time, money, and headaches.

We're here to help you make an impact. Our team has worked with today's biggest thought leaders and helped sell over over 10 million books. We know what it takes to write excellent books and help authors reach their publishing goals.
Leveraging a suite of different modern tools, we streamline many parts of the creation process, all while writing a book from your words and voice. What was once impossible is now entirely achievable. We can't wait to show you how.

C+ Drafts Make A+ Books

The first draft of anything is shit." -Enerst Hemingway
The person who doesn't write their book is the one who fails to finish the first draft. Those who go on to become authors, finish their first draft. That's why the goal is to complete that once daunting first draft.

The truth is, C+ drafts make A+ books. The first draft won't be your final draft, but the hard work will be done and you can be confident your book will be finished.

That's why our goal is to get you to a first draft in one week. Then you can spend the extra time focused on taking it from good to great.

Work With Industry Experts

To truly succeed in writing a great book, you need world-class experts to guide you. That's where we come in. We've spent 15 years in the ghostwriting and publishing industry, working on New York Times bestsellers and mastering the art of creating ultra-successful books.

We'll help you figure out the right book to write by working with you to curate your outline, table of contents, audience, and more. When it comes to the interview process, we know what questions to ask to tease the book out of you. And when it comes to the writing, we know the write hooks and structure that will win your readers over.

We've worked directly with authors like:
-Tim Ferriss
-Ramit Sethi
-Codie Sanchez
-Tucker Max
-Noah Kagan
-Chase Jarvis

Authors like James Clear, Ali Abdaal, Eric Ries, Charles Duhigg, Mark Manson, and Gary Vaynerchuk have all come to us for advice.

From Start to Finish

A great launch can be as important as a great book. Don't worry, we don't leave you hanging.

Whether you want to work with us just for writing, or you want us to handle everything from ideation to launch, you'll have the resources you need to help you reach your publishing goals.

All First Draft in a Week members gain access to a wide-ranging suite of resources, tips, and warm introductions to top talent.

Now come on, let's start your book.  

Let's write
your book!

Learn how we can take you from idea to a book manuscript you love in only 7 days.


Is First Draft in a Week Right for You?

If ANY of these descriptions apply to you, you're likely a good fit.

You're a business owner doing $200K-$1M/year

Whether you're a founder, consultant, coach, or an industry expert, you know you have a book in you. You're just not sure which publishing path to take, who all you need to hire, or how to do this right. You're also unsure of which goals are realistic for you, and which goals are not worth pursuing (or are simply just fantasies).

You’re successful in business, health, or relationships

You’ve achieved some outcome that people continually ask you for advice about. And you often get paid well to help others get that outcome. People might have even asked you: Do you have a book? or When are you going to write a book?

You’re ready to permanently level up

You have a proven process, inarguable expertise, and demand that’s resulting in paying clients. You’re ready to throw gas on the fire you’ve started, all while elevating your brand, business, and career.

You want to leave a legacy

You've accomplished a lot, and now you want to immortalize your wisdom. You know the way to do that is to put your lessons learned into a book, so you can share your contributions with humanity for decades to come.

You want an efficient book writing process, without compromising on quality

You are busy running your business and living your life. You don’t have time to waste going through unnecessary steps and headaches. You want a clear cut path to getting your book done. You also understand that it will cost a decent chunk of change, effort, and time in order to make it great. You’re both willing and able to invest ample resources into the project.

You need help stepping into the spotlight

It’s not easy to put yourself out there. I’ve met very few authors who weren’t doubting themselves somewhere along in the process. Even if your book is the most cut-and-dry manual for your niche, it’s still a creative act. And that requires vulnerability and courage. This program is designed to support and guide you through those challenging moments, so you can boldly step into the spotlight when your time comes.

You suspect you have more than one book in you

While this program is still great for authors who just want to write one book, my aim is to provide you with a process that you can use for the rest of your career. That means you’re equipped with the ability — at least in theory — to churn out a book every year, if that’s what you want. So if that’s you, the program is a solid investment in your future as an author.

This service is for prescriptive non-fiction books:

-Personal Development
-Business and Entrepreneurship
-Health and Fitness
-Finance and Investing
-Career Development
-Relationships and Family
-Education and Learning
-Creativity and Hobbies
-Lifestyle and Home
-Spirituality and Religion
-Travel and Adventure
-Technology and Digital Skills

This service is NOT a fit for the following:

Children’s books

Frequently Asked Questions

Will you provide individual guidance on my book?

Yes, we support with your book idea, book positioning, audience, and strategies to reach your publishing goals. We don't just help you write the book, we'll ensure you're set up for success to professionally publish it.

Will you help me decide which book I should write?

Yes. Many experts have more than one book in them, or need assistance deciding which direction they should go with their book. We've helped more than 500 authors with this and will provide unparalleled expertise to ensure you write the right book.

Will the quality of my book suffer because the process is so fast?

Absolutely not! While our process is efficient, we never compromise on quality. In fact, given our extensive experience in the industry, we're confident your first draft will be higher quality than traditional ghostwriting companies that take 6-12 months. We take the time to ensure that every detail of the experience is polished, professional, and reflective of your expertise.

What if I don’t feel like I have a book in me?

You're not alone in this fear. Most successful authors have asked themselves this question but you'll be surprised how much valuable knowledge you already have. Through our in-depth interview process, we help you uncover the key ideas, insights, and stories that will form the backbone of your book. Our expertise lies in guiding you through this, so you don’t need to come in with a fully formed book idea—just your experience and knowledge.

What if I don’t like the first draft?

The goal in writing a great book is finishing a good first draft. As the industry knows, C+ drafts are what make A+ books. Our goal is to create a first draft you love faster and easier than traditional methods. Then, we can spend more time making it great and finalizing the plan to help you reach your publishing goals.

Will you introduce me to pros who can edit / design my book?

Yes, finding great publishing professionals can be tough. Fortunately, after  many years in the industry, we're connected with the world's top writing, editing, publishing, and marketing professionals. We'll make warm intros at key points, and ensure you're connected to the right people based on your specific book. Or, we can handle everything for you. Completely up to you.

How can you capture my voice in just a few days?

Once you complete the pre-work, you'll be ready to sit down for two full days to share your knowledge and expertise. Our custom-tailored interview process asks the right questions to uncover your unique stories, tone, style, and perspectives. Then we can craft the book so it's authentically you. Don't worry about taking weeks off of work or the emotional strain of a 6-12 month process. We make the experience precise, efficient, and effective.

What if I lose my personal style in the writing process?

We amplify your voice, not take away from it. Through the interviews and our pre-work collaboration, we capture your unique style and personality to keep your voice front and center. Clients often tell us that the finished book sounds just like them—only more polished and refined. That's the promise. No more hoping a ghostwriter gets your voice right.

The publishing world seems complex—how do you handle that?

The publishing landscape can be overwhelming. After working in both self-publishing and traditional publishing fields,  our team has simplified it for you and will help you choose the best option based on your unique needs. We try and make it easy to you can share your story with the world and publish the book inside of you.